As in any contractual relationship, landlords and tenants naturally also have legal rights and obligations. As a tenant, it is almost impossible today to know all the details of the tenancy law in order to be able to protect yourself against illegal rent increases, abuse in the flat, etc. That is why we founded the Association for the Protection of Tenants Luxembourg: We are always ready to help you as tenants by advising and supporting you in matters of tenancy law.
The evolution of the rental situation in Luxembourg is particularly worrying:
House prices rose by 11% in Q4 2019;
According to the Ministry of Housing, there is a housing deficit of around 30,000 units;
The price per m2 is over 10,000 euros in some parts of the capital;
The at-risk-of-poverty rate increases by 10 points after housing costs are taken into account;
Housing costs in Luxembourg now represent up to 50% of the reference budget calculated by STATEC.
Housing in Luxembourg is becoming less and less affordable. As a result, 30% of 25-34 year olds still live with their parents (compared to only 20% in 2005) and household debt, which mainly consists of housing loans, has risen from 40% of GDP in 2000 to 66% in 2017.
A Eurobarometer survey published in December 2019 showed that in the European Union, "only" 12% of citizens name housing as their main national problem - while this figure is 71% in Luxembourg.
Reason enough to finally act and improve the situation of tenants in Luxembourg!

Our objectives and missions
Our main objective is to provide tenants in Luxembourg with a common platform and to act as a lobby to protect and promote tenants' rights.
These include
- Raising awareness and informing tenants about their rights under the legislation and procedures for obtaining rental assistance;
- encourage public authorities, including local authorities and the Ministry of Housing, to systematically and regularly inform tenants of the existence of the Housing Rents Act and the procedure for its implementation;
- propose improvements to the current legal provisions and call on Luxembourg to fulfil and implement its obligations under international law;
- collect and learn best practice on legislation, rights and measures relating to tenancy and tenant protection abroad.